
| Instagram Contest #01 #freecakeàparis |

  Inspired by All I Want | Bob Moses

All everyone wants, really… is a good  Dark Chocolate Cake, isn’t it? One bite can instantaneously change your mood from wanting to hurt cute little animals to feeling happier than Lucy (my favorite YouTube star baby) who understands exactly how I feel about desserts, and food generally.

I don’t want to tease you like that and just leave you drooling. And I know that it’s not always easy to make time to actually bake a cake during a busy week. Thankfully, I have the time to bake this cake for YOU! All you need to do, is play a little game with me on instagram !

The rules are quite simple: just post your best foodporn picture tagging “@theblindtaste #contest #theblindtaste #freecakeàparis”. The sexiest picture will grant the winner a | Dark Chocolate Almond Cake | delivery on the morning of Saturday 7th of June! What best way to start a weekend?!


My good friend – & muse – Nicolle loved (cake smiles don’t lie!) her share of this delicious gluten free cake – star of this first | Instagram Contest #01 #freecakeàparis | What about you? What are you waiting for?


Click here for the | Dark Chocolate Almond Cake | recipe.

2 Responses to “| Instagram Contest #01 #freecakeàparis |”
  1. Marcia says:

    I want to play !

    • You still have time ! Just post and tag your best foodporn on instagram with @theblindtaste #theblindtaste #freecakeàparis until this upcoming friday ! Good luck :p

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