| Double Chocolate Muffins |


Inspired by Chocolate (Oli Slack Remix) | The 1975 When I was a student at Sciences Po Lille I had a muffin-obsessed phase. I had decided that I would master THE muffin recipe and nothing would stop me. And it worked…I behaved as a crazy man baking something like 250 muffins total in two weeks…which […]

| Dark Chocolate Mini Cakes |

mini-chocolate-cake-Muffin-crumble3-fraise-pomme-cannelle-strawberry-cinnamon-apple-031felipe-terrazzan-the-blind-taste-food-blog-gourmand-cuisine-culinary-recette-recipe-guide-restaurant-paris-new-york-sao-paulo-fooding-receitas-gastronomia-cozinha-delicious-easy-tasty-facile-candelaria-glass-paris-3-marais-restaurant-tacos-tapas-mexicain7-sake-sakerinha-cocktail-fraise-basilic-basilc-strawberry-bruschetta-grapes-raisins-chèvre-noix-walnuts-bruschetta 1-tarte-caramel-poires-caramelises-caramelized-pears-6

Inspired by Can’t Get Used To Those | Dimlite (click to open on a new tab!) Easter is gone. But all that chocolate is still around isn’t it? Even though you probably went a bit crazy and blamed it on the magic bunny… there is a limit to how much chocolate you can eat it like […]